Saturday, November 17, 2007

More baby herbs

As I was saying, when so rudely interrupted by Blogger, almost all of this happened in one day. The thyme really grew fast too.

The chives are having a real growth spurt today as well. The mint and parsley seem to be coming along fine too.

In the other Aerogarden (located in the office/exercise room for lack of available table space in any other area where it will get the necessary dark to set fruit), the tomatoes are also progressing nicely. The yellow cultivar sprouted in 3 days, with the two red cherry tomatoes sprouting in 4.5. I took the hot cap off the yellow ones on Thursday night, and the other two got their caps off Friday night. Today the yellow ones are just starting to show the 2nd set of leaves. Tme to find my teeny scissors and sacrifice the weaklings among the tomatoes.


Sue Swift said...

How does the Aerogarden work Anne? Presumably at some point you have to repot??? Is the silver surface part of the kit or just something they're sitting on?

Gardenista said...

Yes, you should take a picture of the whole unit so we can see the little plants and their habitat. It must be so nice to see something green and growing at this time of year up there. Does the aerogarden make much noise? Does it make trickling fountain noises? and does it improve the room's feng shui?

Sue Swift said...

Hi Anne,

How's it going. Did they grow?

It's snowing here today, but i suspect that if you saw it, you'd laugh ...

We're now gearing up for round 2 of the Garden Bloggers' Carnival -a bit different this time, in that I'm asking people to nominate a post from another person's blog. Full details on my blog today (Jan 3rd). I hope you'll participate again, like you did last time. And of course, if anyone else reads this, please join in!


Amy said...

Wow, I can't believe how good the seedlings look! I've been trying to start a few plants and my germination rate hasn't been good so far.

I can't wait to see what you're able to grow out there as the weather warms up. I'll have to have a peek at your older posts sometime soon :)

Ottawa Gardener said...

Just found your blog after visiting 'high and dry'. I've heard of Aerogarden but never tried it. I'll look forward to seeing its progress.

John said...

My mother has an works great. I love using it..nice blog

Unknown said...

We got my Mom an SS6 for her birthday back in late Jan and she is growing herbs. I got one myself and growing salad green / lettuce. Gave my sister an Aerogarden 3 with salad green and arugula.

They work pretty well and uses nasa aeroponics / hydroponics technology. You can see more at